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have to put up with in Ireland.In Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, an elderly couple get brutally attacked by a migrant thug. He pushes the wife almost under a bus and beats the elderly husband senseless.Thankfully a good samaritan intervened and... pic.twitter.com/......
12-16 22:14


ow」,向警方投訴丟包他們的救護車司機,經過一番搜查,助手在隔天已被逮捕,不過司機仍然在逃中,警方強調,定會努力找出司機,早日將其逮捕歸案。An ambulance driver and his aide sexually harassed the wife of a neurology patient they were taking to his native home and threw him out of the ambulance after snatching away his oxygen ......
09-06 16:58

老婆允許性侵烏克蘭妹「有戴套就可以」 27歲俄兵慘遭逮捕

開,顯得非常狼狽。錄音檔被放上烏克蘭安全局的官方推特。「影femeninna推特」Come on, rape Ukrainian women and don't tell me anything. But protect yourself! - says the wife of the Russian occupier in the conversation intercepted by SBUpic.twitter.com/pqOxa8UrUg inna shevchenko 「femeninna」 April ......
04-27 15:13


夫帶套,就允許他性侵烏克蘭女性。錄音中聽出妻子嘻笑的語氣。Come on, rape Ukrainian women and don't tell me anything. But protect yourself! - says the wife of the Russian occupier in the conversation intercepted by SBUpic.twitter.com/pqOxa8UrUg inna shevchenko 「femeninna」 April 12, 2022......
04-16 15:38


示,這段對話顯示出俄羅斯人的道德觀。「影翻攝自inna shevchenko推特」Come on, rape Ukrainian women and don't tell me anything. But protect yourself! - says the wife of the Russian occupier in the conversation intercepted by SBUpic.twitter.com/pqOxa8UrUg inna shevchenko 「femeninna」 April ......
04-13 19:41


布萊德利庫柏「Bradley Cooper」自導自演,帶領流行樂歌姬女神卡卡「Lady Gaga」共組強勢雙人陣容。本片在金球獎慘遭滑鐵盧,僅贏得最佳原創音樂,但女神卡卡仍在影評人大獎「Critics' Choice Awards」上扳回一城,與「愛欺」「The Wife」的葛倫克蘿絲「Glenn Close」打成平手,雙獲最佳女主角。喜劇片「幸福綠皮書」「Green Book」在金球獎成大黑馬,3度驚豔四座,更在週末勇奪美國製片人公會「Producers Guild of America」最佳影片殊榮,話......
01-22 15:06


獎今天在美國加州洛杉磯舉辦頒獎典禮,葛倫克蘿絲「GlennClose」以「愛欺」「The Wife」勇奪劇情類最佳女主角獎。 ... 金球獎,GlennClose,The Wife......
01-07 12:45


配角獎的艾美亞當斯「Amy Adams」選穿一襲深綠色露肩長禮服,優雅動人。以「愛欺」「The Wife」角逐電影劇情類影后的葛倫克蘿絲「Glenn Close」以一襲黑色禮服亮相。女神卡卡「Lady Gaga」穿著淡紫色禮服搭配閃亮鑽石項鍊,現身紅毯。女神卡卡最被看好以「一個巨星的誕生」「A Staris Born」一舉贏得劇情類最佳女主角殊榮。專家也看好她憑藉片中主題曲Shallow贏得最佳原創歌曲獎。「一個巨星的誕生」已經是第3度老片新拍,這次共入圍5座金球獎,除了劇情類最佳女主角獎和最佳歌曲獎,還入......
01-07 09:42